There are so many games and websites online to have fun playing!
Here are a few to start… (letter sounds, stories for all levels and interests)
These "Mad Lib" activities are great for practicing vocabulary.
Just enter your summer words in the word list, and then read your
Wacky Web Tale aloud. Talk about what makes the story silly.
Listen to fantastic stories read aloud by famous actors. Choose a
book to check out from the library…pretend to read it like you are a
famous actor. Draw a picture about your story and write a word,
sentence, or story summary. search
for games on this page that include your language targets.
Which game is your favorite to play? Is there one you can share
with a friend? search for games on this page that include your targeted speech sound(s). Which game is your favorite to play? Is there one you can share with a friend? for literacy games and stories. Colorado Speech Hearing Association